Week 1 was a week of settling in and getting to know some of the staff and the base. We had a lot of orientations and mini teachings on a number of different things. We also met our CDTS classmates Chick and Lynda Munfrada are from Colorado, Karen Wells is also from Colorado. Denise and Frank Derusha are from Arizona. Derushas are the only other family with kids. They have five: Caleb, Tavita, Macaiah, Israel and Isaiah. Poor Tavita is the only girl in the bunch.
On Monday we began the day with base worship. Everyone on base comes together and we sing a few songs, and the base director gives a little message. We also had a tour of the base showing us around several of the different buildings and showing us where to go for certain things. The base was a luxury hotel back in the 20's that many people from Hollywood would visit because of the mineral springs that are still actively flowing in some areas.
On Tuesday we began the day with worship again but just with our class this time. We then continued with orientation until lunch time. After lunch Bill Cheney, the leader of the men in our group, taught on intercession. One phrase that sticks out in my mind from that time is “Lord, break my heart for the things that break yours.”
Wednesday started with worship again and after that the official DTS teaching began. Our first teacher was Dale Harrison, our base director and he taught on Intimacy with God.
Intimacy with God – Dale Harrison
Where does the world get it's concepts of God? Basically from other people. Sometimes we get the wrong impression of God from well meaning people. Some of us grew up in churches that left us with a picture of a God that is cold and heartless waiting for us to screw up so He could punish us. God is nothing like that. He is a loving God that wants a relationship with us, His children. God wants us to receive our concepts of Him, from Him. He wants to show us His heart. We are precious to Him. He wants that intimate relationship with us. That relationship has to be from the heart. All of our other relationships flow out from our relationship with God. Jesus came and gave a direct picture of what our relationships to others need to be like. Jesus example of washing the disciples feet in John 13: 12-20 was not only about washing feet, it was to show the disciples an attitude of service. We are called to serve people as priests. The priests served in three different ways. They ministered to the Lord, to the Lord's people, and to the world. We cannot relate to the world if we are not relating to each other, and we cannot relate to each other if we are not relating to the Lord.
When the Israelites wandered in the desert the tabernacle (God's dwelling) was always at the center of their camp. In the same way, worshiping God should always be the center of our lives. Worship is our destiny. Serving God is not something to do but something to be! Worship is personal, costly and transforming. Remember when Mary washed Jesus' feet with perfume? When she left his presence she smelled like him. We can go to church and hang out with our christian friends without truly worshiping Jesus, then we go away smelling like our friends and not like Jesus. Without the Holy Spirit, we cannot worship. He is our inspiration, initiator, instructor and interpreter. It's possible to go to a worship service where sound is made...motions are made...but there is no worship. If what we are doing is worship, God must be the subject of our worship/song. Our worship will be limited by our God concept. Talk to God like you talk to a person, with expression and body language. As we communicate with God in love our worship will grow. God made us to be worshipers, being real is the only way to worship God. We can worship with tears, laughter and dancing. It doesn't matter how much time we spend in Bible reading and prayer but we need fellowship with God everyday.
“All service must flow out of worship lest it become a substitute for worship. We long ago learned that God will curse a substitute, but may bless a supplement...It is not an 'either/or' situation but a 'both/and'! We will worship and serve the Lord God, but in that order.”
-Judson Cornwall-New Wine Magazine-Nov 1976
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