We're doing great! We still don't feel completely settled/organized in our cute, little house but we're getting there. Dan has spent a week working in Grounds and a week in Maintenance, next week he'll be in the Kitchen. I'll start my rotation on Aug 30 when the kids start school. The boys are LOVING having playmates within walking distance, we have almost daily play dates and have had a couple of sleepovers. Thankfully it's been a relatively "cool" summer here, it's been in the mid 90's but might hit triple digits next week. (They predict upper 80's for the weekend and are calling it 'fall-like temps').
It feels really good to be back here, we are happy and know we are where we belong right now! This morning we celebrated the opening of a prayer room on base, the fulfillment of a long time dream of a number of the staff. We look forward to the various schools beginning in the next week or so. We anticipate lives changing during DTS and then they can share their God Stories on outreach and touch more lives. God is alive and moving in this canyon, visitors can feel it. We recently chatted with a visiting woman who was almost speechless and in awe by God's presence here. It's an exciting, though busy, place to be and we are thrilled to be part of God's work in this little part of California!
Thanks for all the prayers for safe travels and during this time of transition, we still need them. Thanks, too, for financial support since everything in CA costs more.
God bless,
Dan and Robin
Dan and Robin